Monthly Archives: July 2011

Books and friends


Over the past week, we’ve had a visitor staying with us: my dear friend Paulette. We’ve known each other for almost thirty years, were each other’s anchors as stay-at-home moms with small children and are one another’s sounding boards. We live far apart–have done so for almost twenty-five years–but we’ve continued to nurture our strong connection.

As I reflect on the conversations we’ve shared this week, I realize that, in addition to our abundant past, a large part of what binds us together is our love of books: what we’re reading, what we recommend, how what we’ve read pertains to our lives. Our friendship is enriched by books.

Recognizing that makes me understand that books complement most of my friendships, whether it’s about reading or writing them. Books speak to us, entertain us, educate us, soothe us, enlighten us, hearten us. I could say the same about all of my friends. Especially when we discuss books.

That cliche, “books are our friends,” is true, of course. What is more comforting than curling up with a good book? But for me, books and friends are inseparable concepts.

Do books and friends go hand in hand for you?


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As if a weekend in the summer isn’t enough reason to celebrate!

Today, July 1st, is Canada Day. If I were ‘home’ in Canada (in quotes, because currently my home is in Bermuda), everyone would have the day off, perhaps go for a picnic, watch fireworks in the evening, all in celebration of our wonderful country. The weekend has always been extra-special to me because the day after Canada Day is my birthday–another day of celebration, although the older I get the less I’m inclined to want to! :-p And when we lived in Virginia, we were part of the July 4th activities.

Can you see why I’ve always viewed the first weekend of July as celebration weekend?

This year, on Canada Day, Richard and I will toast our country at dinner, and I’ll hang a little Canadian flag to my scooter to recognize the day’s significance. Tomorrow, we’re going scuba diving; in my opinion a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday–with the fish. Of course, we’ll go out for dinner too. Happy Birthday Canada! Happy Birthday me!

How will you celebrate this weekend?

…another reason to celebrate this summer…in 52 days, my book will be released!

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